Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today was Calvin's 1st Birthday. We had a celebration with our closest friends and family. Uncle Austin baked the cake and cooked the sloppy joes. Uncle Ed came to join in the festivities. Others on the guest list included Jesse, Camey, Jessica, Chelsea, Janet, Nell and Jason. Calvin received lots of great presents, including a penguin from Grandpa Floyd that came in the mail today. While we missed having more of our family here, we had a very nice time. Enjoy the pictures!

The very first present of the day! A penguin that I can chase around the house!

Present from Uncle Austin. I sure like this centipede! He sings the alphabet!

And of course, the cake! mmmmm!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

He likes to watch!

Yesterday we got 15" of snow! And really, it's been the only snow storm we've gotten this year. Which is fine with me!

This morning, Uncle Austin decided to go out and get the shovelling done and Calvin and Bella were watching intently.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Calvin Rocks

Today Clavin got to play in the yard with Dad and Uncle Austin.

Calvin picked up his first rock and proceeded to wave bye-bye with it when it flew out of his hand, he continued to wave for a couple seconds before he looked at his hand, apparently wondering where the rock went.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ball Baby

Tonight we played with the exercise ball. Calvin enjoyed banging on the ball and laying on top of it. Really, he likes to pat and bang on anything he can find. Only a couple weeks and he'll be a year old, it's hard to believe how quickly it goes by.
Calvin can stand holding on to things, but not so much if they move. Lucky for him, I had his back side.
Calvin likes to pat everything: the dogs, the doors, the dog dishes, and yes, the ball.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More teeth!

Calvin broke another tooth yesterday, the bottom left beside his two middle teeth and he's still drooling to beat heck so I'll bet the right one comes in a day or two. So right now, the little guy has 7 teeth!

He's standing up holding on to everything he can get his hands on and he's practicing letting go. We say either "ta-da!" or "kerplunk!" when he falls on his bottom. He has a nack for hitting his head on things so I can imagine how many bruises he'll have. Last night he stood half way up in the bath tub and before I could even bend over, he slipped and wacked his head on the tub. He cried for about 15 seconds and then we decided it was time for bed.

I have a feeling it won't be long before he's off to the races. Uncle Austin is going to buy a new TV stand and assemble that today so Calvin doesn't tip the one we have over on himself.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Standing Man

Last weekend Calvin pulled up for the first time! He has started pulling up in the bathroom, in his crib, on chairs and probably on everything else when we can't see. Here's a picture of him playing with his bouncer today, but he can't be contained IN his bouncer anymore!
He isn't standing on his own but for a few seconds before he falls and he hasn't attempted to move while standing yet, but I'm sure it won't be long and we'll have a toddler.