Sunday, June 21, 2009


Around noon today C was helping me put away clothes (aka, promptly knocking over any folded pile of clothes in site) when he fell 2 feet off our bed and onto his head. He immediately started screaming, I picked him up and then he passed out for a few seconds. I panic, nearly call 911, but 2 seconds before doing that I got my wits back and instead threw him in the car and got to urgent care. He's fine, of course. What I learned is that some kids will hold their breath and pass out briefly. So the utter panic that raced threw me was mostly all for not. But hey, at least I know that I react quickly in an emergency. I am also a breath holder when I'm in pain. I wonder if I ever passed out from it as a young child??

Oh yea, it gets better... so we got lunch and ate and then played for a few minutes. Then I decided we need to get those clothes done. So we go back into the bedroom and I was putting clothes on hangers while Cal was practicing his walking moves. I noticed he tried to grab at the hangers (love those huggy hangers!) and so as I'm telling him no, he slips and I swear to you, he landed on his head again. At least this time he was already on the floor but I swear as God as my witness that he did something and bonked that baby head again. This time I was quick enough to remember our friend Andy saying that if they hold their breath, to blow in their face, so I immediately started blowing in his face and praying for him to not pass out again. I don't know if mommy could take that 2 times in one day. But alas, he was fine so we decided he was going to be the safest in his crib and that it really seemed past naptime. So he's sleeping soundly now. Bless his heart.

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