Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Morning routine

I took a couple pictures this morning when we were getting ready to leave for the day. This is Codes being entertained on the kitchen floor on his play mat. He really likes to grab things and try to eat them. Tonight, I became convinced that he's starting to teeth. The thing you can' really see in this picture are the little green frogs all over Codes jumper. It's so stinkin' cute!
When I came out of the kitchen, this is how I found big C. With a blanket wrapped around him like a very thick scarf and his Jesus Love Me bunny and baby bunny. This morning when Wade went to get him out of bed, C tucked the bunnies in under the blankets so they would stay warm. What a sweet guy. He's loving his bunnies right now, that's for sure!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday outing

Yesterday we went for our Sunday afternoon family outing. We went to a little place by Red Rocks and there was this little stream going through. Like a lab to water, here was my 2 year old to mud. The picture was taken with my phone so not exactly high quality but you get the idea. (I need to find my camera, it has gone missing.) And Cal is always complaining that his shoes hurt his feet so off they come and there went our little "pitter pat." We don't get on him too much about being barefoot if there's no broken glass or hot blacktop to hurt him.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

All those Saturday plans

All my grand ambitions for today went down the tubes. So instead, I did nothing. I took a 2 1/2 hour nap and woke up with a headache and belly ache. Seemed like a waste of a nap to me, aren't you supposed to feel better after a nap? Now I'm hoping to go to bed early and wake up better tomorrow. Both boys have runny stools today so I'm sure that's in my future shortly. We like to share and share alike in this household.

Earlier today, I was feeding Cody and I dropped his little bowl of rice cereal and sweet potatoes, which he apparently doesn't like anyway. It. Went. Everywhere!!!!! Wade had to wipe it off the ceiling and high on the cupboards and walls. I wiped off the lower cabinets, the counters, myself, the floor, the oven, the hood and the refrigerator. But none of it got on Cody, go figure.

After the feeding, I did go to Borders today and got Cody some little cardboard books. Calvin loves them! He's especially into counting right now. He says "one, two, tree, four, five, six, eight, nine, ten, forty!" And yes, that was tree not three, and skipped the seven and went to forty after 10. He does that pretty consistently too. We do it after him to show him that there's a seven but he's doing great with all this learning business. I also got a pop up numbers book for Calvin that I'll bust out next weekend when we're potty training. It was after the trip to Borders that I started to feel not so swell.

Saturday Mornings

It's Saturday morning and we all slept until about 8am. That's refreshing. Of course, Code is still sleeping with mommy and he pooped at 4:30 and kicked at 5:30 so mommy has been up longer but other than that, we're all doing good. When Wade got Calvin got up, Cal came in Cody's bedroom and they laid down and watched cartoons. then they sat up and watched cartoons. Cody is just learning how to sit and in a few weeks, I bet he's sitting up on his own. For now, he uses Cal as support.

Now I'm making pancakes for Calvin (with applesauce and rice milk since he's allergic to dairy and eggs) and going to put some turkey sausage on in a minute. Calvin is running around the house shutting doors and Cody is in his Baby Einstein bouncer. He loves that thing as much as Calvin did.

I probably should get off the computer before I burn everything, I seem to have a knack for that, but I'm going to take my chances.

Today we need to replace the garage window and I think we're going to trim the out of control bushes around the house. I don't understand why people plant bushes in a 3 foot space that are going to take up 10 feet if you don't trim them every other week. Since we've only been trimming them once a year for the past few years, it's looking pretty bad. Then if time allows and I'm REALLY ambitious, I'm going to paint. Don't tell the husband.

p.s. I didn't burn the food!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Backtracking - Trip to Minnesota and South Dakota

Grandma Deanna picked up Cody, Calvin and I and our first stop was to have lunch with Vicki, Jerry, Janet and Jacoby at Perkins. Since there weren't many people there, we let Calvin run around a table and he managed to get 2 different bruises on his head. Vicki holding Cody while Cody tried to get the ding dong frog -- with Jerry in the background.

Calvin wanted to help his buddy Jacoby walk. He's a sweet guy that Calvin, usually. :)

Sleeping baby

Cody sleeping in his crib with his hands behind his head. He's started to pull his ears when he's tired. One day last week, when I picked him up from Virginia's, he was sound asleep but was holding on to his ears. It was really cute. I can't believe how big he's getting already. The time just zips right by. At 5 1/2 months old, he's already 17 pounds. He's wearing 6-9 month old clothes. He's very happy and smiley. He can entertain himself but LOVES when Calvin comes to smile at him.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Eventful day. Too bad it wasn't good.

First I got up late. That's never a good way to start the day. I finally made it to work at 9:10am. Work went fine. Picked up the boys and was going to go to Target. Then Calvin was being testy so I decided Target would be a bad idea, so we just came home. I pull up and the garage window is broken. Wade accidently broke it, at least it wasn't a break in. Then I washed clothes without checking pockets. I washed the car key but it still works, unlike my phone that I washed a couple weeks ago. You'd think I'd learn to check all the pockets. Maybe I will now. Then the remote control for the TV we bought in December doesn't work. So Wade got new batteries in it and it still didn't work. Then for some reason he wasn't able to change the channel by pushing the buttons on the TV either. Great. Our $400 TV appears to be trash now. We'll check it out online and maybe call the company but I'm thinking we don't have an extended warranty and nobody warranties anything anymore it seems. So we'll see. Then I'm getting Cody out of the bath tub and I go in my room and Calvin, who didn't have a diaper on because he was on deck for a bath, peed all over my pillows, blankets, and sheets. All in one general area of the bed. Nevermind that I don't have other clean bedding to put on the bed so now I'll be up later than I want to be so I can wait for some of it to wash and dry. I'm saying a prayer now: Please Lord, watch over my family and let us see the good in each day, even the difficult ones. Amen.

p.s. While I was writing this, I burned a batch of cookies. I need to go to bed.

Kisses in the morning

This morning when I dropped the boys off at Virginia's, Cal usually shuts the door for me but today he was standing at the door asking me for kisses. I thought he was on the verge of tears. So I bent down to give him a kiss and I asked him if he wanted 5 kisses. He said "No, 2." So I kissed him twice on his right cheek. Then he pointed to his left cheek and said "2," so I kissed him twice on the left cheek. Then he was good and basically shoved me out the door and closed it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Backtracking to continue, but for now...

Tonight when we were on our way home from Virginia's house, Calvin pointed out an airplane in the sky. He said that "me, Cody, Mommy, airplane" and I asked him if he remembered going to the lake after we went on the plane and he said "Austin" and I said yes, we saw uncle Austin. Then he said "Papa" and I said, yep, we saw Grandpa at the lake too. I'm so glad he remembers things now.

Speaking of thing he remembers, Grandpa Al had a large stuffed animal dog at his house and he always called him Woof. It looks like a Golden Retriever. When Al passed away, we inherited Woof, who is now in Calvin's room. Calvin knows it was Papa's and pets old Woof almost every night before bed time.

Backtracking -- June

All the boys having some fun cuddle time.

Little boys cuddling like bugs. But if Calvin really sees a bug, it gets squished. I sure love that!

Our first trip over Trail Ridge. Nevermind the breathtaking views, there's a BIG truck!

Happy happy Cody. Everyone comments about how happy and smiley Cody is. And in my head I think "and he sleeps pretty well." At least compared to how Calvin slept. It's like heaven --- so far :)

Backtracking -- Dallas in May

Aunt Jimmie holding Cody with Calvin nearby. The boys got to meet lots of cousins, their aunts Jimmie and Libby, and uncle Doyle. We stayed with Don, Kay and Lexi for the first part of our visit, then went and stayed with Diane (Dee Dee) and Tack. Diane sure can sing a baby to sleep. Calvin was yelling DeeDee before we left, he sure liked the Bible songs she sang for him.

Backtracking -- May 2010

Helping me make a special batch of chocolate chip cookies. These are the peanut, tree nut, dairy, and egg free variety... and they're actually yummy. Two dozen rarely last more than a couple days in our house!

Janet going away dinner. Too bad I forgot my wallet that night. I miss you Janet and Jacoby. We wish you were still here in Colorado.

I was showing Calvin how to do self portraits this night. He thought it was pretty fun to see the picture in the camera afterward. And he would point and say "Mommy, me!" And look at that pink tile in the background - that is the bathroom wall. Someday, it will be gone.

Happy brothers.

Backtracking -- April 2010

The brothers.

Sleeping on the chair.

The close up. I love the hand under the cheek.

Cody sleeping with Dad. Still a little peanut. Funny how perfect the nickname peanut seemed for him. Calvin was the football.

Backtracking -- gas

The peanut. A moment of pure bliss (aka gas). What a sweet baby. Wade took a great picture of a sleeping Cody.

Backtracking -- no smiles

There will be no smiling by Calvin for this picture. Forget it.

Backtracking - Calvin and Cody

Big brother Calvin with his little brother Cody. Cal loves to give Cody hugs and kisses and has liked sitting with him since the day he came home.

backtracking... night night kisses

A very tired Calvin giving his little brother a night night kiss.

Calvin giving Grandma kisses night night. We were very blessed to be able to have Grandma here when Cody was born. She stayed with me at the hospital when I needed her to and she stayed with Calvin when I needed her to. It worked out really well for us to have Grandma here with us that week. I was very sad to see her go and have missed her ever since.

Backtracking... Peanut

Our little peanut. Only 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 19 inches long. Cody Austin was born at 5:09pm on March 10.


This was right after Cody was born on March 10. The resemblance to his big brother is remarkable.

Grandma got to bring Calvin up to see his little brother soon after he arrived. He's been a great big brother since the day Cody joined our family.