Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Mornings

It's Saturday morning and we all slept until about 8am. That's refreshing. Of course, Code is still sleeping with mommy and he pooped at 4:30 and kicked at 5:30 so mommy has been up longer but other than that, we're all doing good. When Wade got Calvin got up, Cal came in Cody's bedroom and they laid down and watched cartoons. then they sat up and watched cartoons. Cody is just learning how to sit and in a few weeks, I bet he's sitting up on his own. For now, he uses Cal as support.

Now I'm making pancakes for Calvin (with applesauce and rice milk since he's allergic to dairy and eggs) and going to put some turkey sausage on in a minute. Calvin is running around the house shutting doors and Cody is in his Baby Einstein bouncer. He loves that thing as much as Calvin did.

I probably should get off the computer before I burn everything, I seem to have a knack for that, but I'm going to take my chances.

Today we need to replace the garage window and I think we're going to trim the out of control bushes around the house. I don't understand why people plant bushes in a 3 foot space that are going to take up 10 feet if you don't trim them every other week. Since we've only been trimming them once a year for the past few years, it's looking pretty bad. Then if time allows and I'm REALLY ambitious, I'm going to paint. Don't tell the husband.

p.s. I didn't burn the food!

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