Saturday, November 13, 2010

We have a tooth! and Lift off! and Singing!

At eight months and 3 days, we have our first tooth. It's the front lower right hand side. So now it begins. Cal had gotten his first tooth the day he turned 6 months. So hopefully Cody's will just come in quicker and it'll be over with in a jiff. Ha.

In addition to that, we have initial lift off. Code pulled himself up in the bathtub tonight by grabbing onto the faucet spout. I nearly had a heart attack. He can barely sit up without falling over, I'm not sure why he suddenly felt compelled to stand up in the most slippery place in the house. To my young Jedi: one thing at a time.

All of that and Calvin is now singing songs with me at night. He can sing Jesus Loves Me, the ABC's song, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I love his little voice, I would like to hold onto these days as long as I can. Oh, and Calvin said Amen when we said prayers tonight without me prompting him to. I just want to scoop up that yummy-ness and keep it forever.

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